ANNIE THOE | Greenlake
Annie Thoe, GCFP, Assistant Trainer (1996), has over 35 years clinical experience and extensive background with nature awareness. She offers private lessons in North Seattle/Greenlake and online lessons & classes for a broad range of clients—from injury and chronic pain recovery, neurological challenges for all ages including Cerebral Palsy and stroke to life transitions, athletic performance and self-expression. Prior to Covid, she taught retreats to the public and health practitioners using Feldenkrais and nature awareness and is a contributing writer for several publications. She also provides guided video on her Sensing Vitality YouTube channel and a Patreon site for monthly membership to online classes and access to an extensive recorded video and audio lesson library.
Annie currently offers private Functional Integration sessions, Awareness Through Movement classes online, and workshops and retreats.
Contact Annie: | 206.271.4270 |