If You Know What You Are Doing

By Carrie Lafferty, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner

“If you know what you are doing, you can do what you want.” (Moshe Feldenkrais)

Imagine a world where you have a clear, buoyant grounded felt sense as you navigate life’s complexities. Within this deeply embodied sense of grace and ease is your birthright to access wholeness, health, and the integrity of living. Dynamic harmony in action.

In this world there is the absence of suffering but not pain. There is the absence of fear but not tension. There is the presence of love and awareness as the ultimate containers for the unfolding of Life. There is an engagement with life as a dynamic changing process.

Imagine a world where every person on the globe has a clear, buoyant grounded felt sense as they navigate life’s complexities. Within this deeply embodied sense of grace and ease is immediate direct knowing of the qualities of compassion, humility, generosity, equality, true joy and unconditional love.

At the core of Feldenkrais practice is the adage of directly knowing how you are doing what you are doing. Moshe Feldenkrais said it above.

We live in a world where most of us are completely distracted most of the time. Where some of us are completely distracted all of the time. Where a few of us are somewhat distracted some of the time. I intend and dream of a world where all of us are distracted none of the time. Where humanity is truly present, awake, alert and aware. Where action is deliberate, embodied and arising from love instead of fear.

My heart is warmed at seeing the awakening of humanity all across the globe. It is slowly happening. From the grass roots up. Have you joined in?

We must start with directly experiencing how we do what we do in our every day mundane lives. This includes all avenues of our lives. This is where the moments of insight, healing and wisdom arise.

I dream of a world where we really "get" that balance isn’t a noun. It is a verb. It is dynamic in Nature and dynamic in our true nature as humans.

I dream of a world where humanity directly knows the proper way to calibrate and coordinate their internal noticing with the world’s draws and allures. And know what they are doing.