photo: Eri Stell
Rachel Hamstra, GCFP, has been a student of the Feldenkrais Method for over 20 years. Her first introduction to Feldenkrais was around age seven, while undergoing multiple hip surgeries through infancy and childhood. Functional Integration lessons became an essential part of her rehabilitation process, and Feldenkrais has been a part of her life ever since. As a practitioner, she is thrilled to have the opportunity to come full circle and share what she has learned. She finds joy in helping others find curiosity, hope, and ease in movement and life. She considers it her responsibility and honor to offer a space where her students feel safe to explore, and let that exploration go where it may. Her practice is queer- and trans-friendly, and she believes Black lives matter. Rachel graduated from the Seattle Eastside Feldenkrais Training in 2012, and trained in Craniosacral Therapy at Bastyr University.
Rachel currently offers private Functional Integration sessions in person and occasional Awareness Through Movement class series and workshops.
Contact Rachel: rachel@rachelhamstra.com | 206.852.8692 | www.rachelhamstra.com