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Vicki Robinson, GCFP, LMP, SEP has informed her Feldenkrais practice with over 30 years of experience as a massage therapist. She also incorporates Somatic Experiencing® in her practice, which is a potent method for resolving the symptoms of trauma. She teaches classes and provides individual Functional Integration sessions that may also incorporate Somatic Experiencing and Neuromuscular Therapy massage. A few of her workshop topics include Dynamic Sitting, Owner's Manual to Moving Well and Your Feet from the Ground Up. She enjoys outdoor activities, Argentine tango, and learning tai chi and buugeng. The focus of her practice is to help people who would like to re-connect to moving optimally in all of their activities with pleasure. Vicki completed her Feldenkrais training in 2001.
Vicki currently offers private Functional Integration sessions, weekly Awareness Through Movement classes classes, special workshops and related events.
Contact Vicki: | 206.459.7558 |